Visual Condition of Machined and Assembled Products
Inline VCG
Introducing Visual Condition Gage
VCG Systems are based on multi-camera contactless scanning. The inspected parts are scanned during movement through hardware fixture. Hardware fixture consist of different types of area and line cameras with proper illumination. Our solutions are not hardware-restricted; therefore we can cover all customer requirements without restrictions. In our system we use standard (non smart) industrial camera systems.
We can detect presence of all key characteristics as well as their dimensional and other qualitative parameters in one station.

Detection Capabilities
- GD&T characteristics measurement
- Porosity and other surface defects
- Machined surface completeness and condition
- Drilled holes and threads presence
- Pass-thru drilled bores
- Presence of assembled components
- Casted openings presence
- Complex inline inspection
- Fully optimized cameras and illumination
- Flexibility of configuration for future needs
System Parameters
Cycle time:
from 35 s (based on the final scope of inspection)
Number of points to be inspected:
NOK conveyor capacity:
standard 4 parts
Part identification:
DMX code
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